TRICARE Service Center / Referral Management Office
Ask your provider on the local economy to send your referral to the TRICARE Service Center. Many patients can receive their specialty care right here at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, based on eligibility and space available.
To check current Space Available for Specialty Care at LRMC, visit the
Specialty Care webpage and click the monthly availability report.
If you are a retiree, retiree family member, non-command sponsored active-duty family member, or a command sponsored dependent parent and wish to have a Primary Care Provider at LRMC, please apply to become enrolled into the TRICARE Plus program.
Open enrollment starts on Nov. 1 and will close on Dec. 15. Based on capacity, LRMC can enroll TRICARE Plus eligible patients into Family Medicine and Pediatrics. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept enrollment into Internal Medicine at this time. A QR code and link will be provided on our Facebook Page and on our LRMC TRICARE website which will be posted on Nov 1. You can also apply online starting on Nov. 1 at the LRMC TRICARE Service Center (Bldg. 3744, M-Th, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m.; ph. 06371-9464-4830).
Beneficiaries can apply in two ways:

In person: Visit the LRMC TRICARE Service Center (Bldg. 3744, M-Th, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m.; ph. 06371-9464-4830).
Please understand the following:
- An application does not guarantee enrollment.
- Applicants must be TRICARE eligible (and NOT command sponsored or eligible for command sponsorship).
- Applicants should reside within 100km of LRMC. Those who reside outside of 100km will be considered for enrolled if space is available.
- Although we prefer to keep a familial household of eligible beneficiaries together, we may not be able to take in all family members due to capacity.
- Enrollment in TRICARE Plus only guarantees a Primary Care Provider. Specialty care is not dependent on, nor guaranteed by, Plus enrollment.
- We want to emphasize that LRMC’s primary mission is to support the health and readiness of our Active-Duty population and their family members. We value our TRICARE eligible beneficiaries and strive to increase and improve available services.
- Patients will be notified of their application outcomes around late Jan. 2025.