Customer Service
Your health is our mission. We strive to provide excellent customer service and quality care to all our patients. Our customer service teams are dedicated to ensuring you are satisfied with your medical care.
Use our Customer Service assets to help solve problems, answer questions, to tell us about concerns, or provide feedback on our facility’s services and care.
Patient Advocate
Patient Advocates advise and help you with medical and dental benefit concerns within this facility.
TRICARE Service Center / Referral Management Office
TRICARE Service Center & Referral Management assist with TRICARE-related inquiries and referrals from MTFs throughout Europe, In-Network providers as well as Out-of-Network providers.
Uniform Business Office (UBO)
UBO provides Military Treatment Facility (MTF) medical billing services for the Europe Region.
Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)
ICE is a
web-based tool that collects your feedback on services at this facility.