Health Physics Services
The LRMC Health Physics Services section provides radiation protection support to medical and dental clinics across Germany, Italy, and Belgium. Our mission is to ensure readiness, safety, and regulatory compliance of all radiation producing activities at LRMC.
The Health Physics staff is responsible for surveying all x-ray producing devices in the hospital, medical and dental clinics at Baumholder, Kleber, Wiesbaden, Landstuhl, Vicenza, SHAPE, and Brussels. We also work in conjunction with the Public Health Command - Europe to provide support to any of the supported medical, dental or veterinary clinics in their area of responsibility.
Our office monitors the occupational exposure of the radiation workers at the hospital. We also conduct survey of the public use areas to ensure the exposure to staff, workers, and public remains within the mandated limits. This includes exposure from all x-ray producing devices, and use of radioactive materials for either diagnostic or therapeutic uses. We also provide radiation safety training to radiation workers and the ancillary staff in order to keep their radiation exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) levels.
Our services include:
- Radiation/Laser Safety Program
- Occupational Dosimetry & Bioassay Program
- Radiotherapy patient support
- Radiation surveys and laboratory analysis
- Radioactive waste disposal
- Radioactive material management
- Radiation and Laser Safety Staff Assistance Visits
- Shielding evaluation and verification
- Ionizing/Non-ionizing radiation safety training
- Radiation and laser safety consultation