Health Services

Tumor Registry

The American College of Surgeons recommends that all hospitals having specialized treatment programs should have a
ACTUR (Automated Central Tumor Registry) , to include all patients with malignancies and certain related diseases. All patients who are diagnosed and/or treated with a malignancy at LRMC are captured into a database by the ACTUR.

Cases are discussed at the monthly MultidisciplinaryTumor Board Conference to review and evaluate all cases and recommend treatment and disposition of such cases.

The registry enables our doctors to determine how effective our treatment has been, to compare our treatment with that of other hospitals, and to see if our methods of treatment can be improved. This long-term information is obtained through a system of follow-up contacts with our patients.

Therefore, we will send an inquiry letter at regular intervals unless we receive information as a result of visits to outpatient clinics or hospitalization. Patients may return the completed inquiry letter to the ACTUR in the envelope we enclose, scan it in and e-mail it to us, or if possible, feel free to come and see us in our office.

Contact Us


Bldg. 3770, 12C (second floor) Room 233-3

DSN Phone:


CIV Phone:



Mondays through Fridays:
7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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