Physical Therapy
The LRMC Physical Therapy Clinic offers services to active duty service members and patients covered by TRICARE Prime. As space becomes available, we will also see retirees, DoD

civilians, contractors and others.
We have a full staff of physical therapists, physical therapy technicians and a wonderful front desk staff to help meet your physical therapy needs.
Acute Musculoskeletal Sick-call
Service Members with acute musculoskeletal injuries can be seen on a walk-in basis during sick call hours. No chronic ailments or ailments older than three weeks will be addressed during these hours.
Injuries less than 3 weeks old
–Ankle sprains, foot pain
–Knee sprains/pain
–Spine pain
–Shoulder pain
KMC Service Members have two options for Acute Musculoskeletal Sick-call:
LRMC Physical Therapy Clinic:
Monday & Wednesday - 6:30 a.m. -7:30 a.m.
Kleber Kaserne Gym:
Monday-Friday - 6:30 a.m. -7:30 a.m.
Appointments After Knee or Hip Replacement Surgery
Unless otherwise instructed by your surgeon, you should be seen in Physical Therapy within 5-7 days from your hospital discharge. You will be responsible for calling the Physical Therapy Department closest to your duty station or home. If you are required to come to LRMC Physical Therapy, you will be given a time and date of your outpatient appointment before you are discharged from the hospital.