Inclement Weather Delays / Closures & Road Conditions

Delays / Closures

None at this time

Road Conditions




In order to keep patients and staff members informed, Below is a description of LRMC Inclement Weather procedures:

LRMC normally follows the lead of USAG-Rhienland-Pfalz’ (USAG-RP) on any warnings and delays.
LRMC AHCs will follow the guidance from their local Garrison Command in reference to weather warnings and work delays. 
Delay: All non-essential Personnel will report to work later than normally scheduled, depending on guidance provided. Patients with scheduled appointments conflicting with delay will be rescheduled via call center. All elective surgical services conflicting with delay will be rescheduled. Ancillary services will be on a delayed schedule. ED, ICU, and inpatient wards remain open. 
Closure: All non-essential Personnel will not report, depending on guidance provided. Patients with scheduled appointments will be rescheduled, elective surgical services will be rescheduled. Ancillary services will be closed. ED, ICU, and inpatient wards remain open.
Mission Essential Personnel:  All mission essential personnel (ED, ICU, inpatient, and supporting staff).
If you are mission essential personnel and you cannot safely get to work then please notify your supervisor. 
More information available via:

1. LRMC Official Webpage:
2. LRMC Official Facebook Page:   
3. Alert! Mass Notification System- Register here:

Additional Resources: 
1. USAG-RP Facebook Page: - remember we will follow their lead on weather delays
2. IMCOM Europe Road Conditions:

Green: Ideal road, temperature, and visibility conditions exist.

Amber: Ideal road, temperature, and visibility conditions do not exist.

Red: Road, temperature and visibility conditions are dangerous.

Black: Road, temperature and visibility conditions are extremely dangerous.

Road conditions at amber, red and/or black may result in operational delays, early releases and/or closures. Road conditions only reflect on-post conditions only; however, they can be an indicator of existing road conditions outside the installation. 

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!