Pay It Forward Champion,
Thank you for taking the time to come to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to offer your expertise and experience while we officially launch MHS GENESIS. In this folder you will find a wealth of information that will assist you during your time in Germany.
Our team here has worked tirelessly over the last year to get to this point, and we look forward to learning from your experiences and making this transition a successful one for our staff and patients. I ask three things of you while you’re here:
Be thoughtful with your feedback.
Be transparent with your experiences.
Be kind when recognizing our stress points.
Thank you again for taking the time away from your family and friends to help us through this transition. With your assistance, I am confident our transition to MHS GENESIS will be a success.

COL Theodore R. Brown
Below are some important Phone Numbers during your stay in the KMC:
Emergency Services
110 - Police - Dialing "110" from any phone line (cell, commercial or DSN) will connect to emergency services.
112 - Fire / Ambulance & Paramedics
0631-536-6060 - MP Desk (Emergency)
0631-536-7070 / 7002 / 8005 - MP Desk (Non-Emergent)
855-975-0117 - Ticket Submission (Super Users / Department Leads)
06371-9464-0620 / 0623 & DSN: 590-0620 / 0623 - Hardware Hotline (Super Users)
06371-9464-7700 / DSN 590-7700 - Workflow / Training Support
4 Corners/LRMC Information Desk/Staff Duty Desk 24/7
From within LRMC (DSN) - 590-
From local phone - 06371-9464-
From US cell phone- 011-49-06371-9464-
+011 International calling code
+49 Germany country code
REMINDER: Anyone who is driving in Germany is always subject to a blood test. In Germany, the blood-alcohol limit is 0.5 mg of alcohol per mm of blood. Additionally, checkpoints are common near military installations and near Kaiserslautern, Ramstein, and Landstuhl on nights and weekends.
0152-5172-3356 Friday & Saturday 10pm-4am
Germany has stict laws which contradict the common ride-sharing model, i.e. no Uber/Lyft services in Germany
Taxi Services are available - Use the Find-It-Guide Website to search for a Taxi
To dial out, dial 99 and then the number as if you’re calling from a German phone.
To show your caller ID, dial 88 instead of 99.
US number: 99 001 555 123 4567
German number: 99 06371 123 4567
German number, show caller ID: 88 06371 123 4567
Main Dining Facility/DFAC
Breakfast 0600-0830
Lunch 1100-1300
Dinner 1630-1800
Sat & Sun
Breakfast 0700-090
Lunch 1100-1300
Dinner 1600-1800
LRMC Food Court
Burger King, Duncan Donuts, Subway
M-F 0700-1700
Java Café
M-F 0630-1300
Sat- 0600-1230 (23 Sep only)
LRMC Shopette
M-F 0700-1800
Base Gas Station*
M-F 0600-1800
Sat 0800-1830
Sun 1130-1830
*beer & wine & alcohol under 33% do not need a ration card
*You cannot purchase gas or cigarettes there
Installation Passes
All DoD ID cardholders ages 10 and over are required to be registered in the Installation Access Control Systems (IACS) office at Kleber Kaserne.
DoD ID cardholders will need to provide a copy of their orders (if stationed/TDY in Europe) and a second form of government-issued photo ID when registering. The IACS office registers DoD ID cardholders into the IACS system, issues installation passes to contractors, vendors and visitors, and processes installation access rosters for special events or persons who need short term access but are not eligible for an installation pass.
All non-DoD ID cardholders who request access to a U.S. military installation are required to either be escorted by a DoD ID cardholder at all times, be on an approved access roster, or be issued an installation pass.
Sponsors (DoD ID cardholders) must request installation passes on Army Europe (AE) Form 190-16A
Pass requests need to be submitted to the appropriate IACS office distro list (Kaiserslautern or Baumholder) via encrypted email from an official email address (
Authorized sponsors unable to send encrypted emails may use the DOD SAFE site to submit application packets.
The application packet needs to include the application and all supporting documents.
Packets must be received a minimum of three business days prior to the applicant coming by the IACS Office.